Saturday, May 27, 2017

Milk Tea

Current habit:
Milk tea

I finished it before I remembered to take a picture.


I sometimes think I can survive on milk tea and iced coffee.

My cousin once told me that she drinks most of her calories, meaning she drank a lot of teas, coffees, and juices more than she ate snacks and meals.

I understand what she is saying but... I think I drink AND EAT calories just all around.


Cute little tea shop in a strip mall with yummy milk teas, Vietnamese coffees, and fruit teas.

Pick Me Up Tea House
9240 Garden Grove Boulevard, Suite 12
Garden Grove, CA 92844

Korean Food

Current craving:
Korean food

There is something so comforting about soup, even in hot weather.

My family tends to go to the same restaurants all the time because my dear father does not like to try new places. Sigh.

So when we get the opportunity to go somewhere new, it's a pretty big deal.

Today, we went to a new Korean restaurant in Garden Grove call Yigah Restaurant.

Pretty interior, plenty of seats, but... sloppy service. They were dropping plates and trays all around us, spilled a cup of water on our table (and didn't offer to clean it up or bring napkins or a towel), and dripped a trail of soup from tray to table.

But... the food.

They had a good selection of soups and rice dishes, as well as the pork bossam, which was quite delicious.

I'll go again, give them another chance. I would definitely want to try going when it's not busy, to see if their service is any better.

Yigah Restaurant
8562 Garden Grove Boulevard
Garden Grove, CA 92844

Friday, April 14, 2017

Paper Goods

Current impulse:
Paper goods

Is this not the prettiest gift wrap you've ever seen??

The picture doesn't do justice, but it just looks so elegant and beautiful. I'm almost embarrassed to use it because the gift itself is so cheesy, but I made up for it with the gift wrap!

So I am continuing my goal of gift wrapping (versus gift bagging) all gifts I give for this year, and I have a few rolls of paper that I can't wait to use.

But since we're on the subject of paper goods...

Why are notepads and notebooks so tempting.

I was at Office Max today, and these caught my eye. I don't need new notebooks. I don't need a calendar. I don't need notepads.

Sigh. I am way too impulsive.

But this is nothing compared to the damage I do when I go to Daiso, or heaven have mercy, when I go to Korea and go to their stationery stores. I'm already imagining how much I'll be bringing back with me when I go this Fall.

Speaking of which...

I'm already starting to make lists of all the places I want to visit, eat at, drink coffee at, go shopping...

I shall buy a new big luggage bag just for all my goods. Hehe.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

The Weather

Current obsession:
The weather

Look at the gorgeous pretty sky and clouds. It was a beautiful day today.

A healthy dose of vitamin D for this sickie.

Comfort and healing were expected in this bowl of soup...

But it was the hugest disappointment.
Sad face.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Comfort Food

Current addiction:
Comfort food

This cold (or flu, or whatever it is) is decreasing my appetite.

I know. Who am I.

Which is why comfort food is so necessary.

Thanks, mommy. Your soup is the best.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Six Years?!

It has been 6 years since my last post.


Aren't you curious about what's been going on with me? What fun new exciting adventures I've had?


Reading my old posts made me laugh. I am so over-dramatic. Was I high or something?

Yes. Yes, I was. On prescription painkillers. God bless pharmaceuticals for creating meds that can help during time of need, but damn, I will not take those meds again for as long as I can.

I must have thought I was amusing or something...

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Christmas in June

Currently listening to: "First Snow First Kiss" by Yeosob and Daniel

I didn't realize it was a Christmas song, and actually wasn't meaning to listen to it, but it popped up on someone's blog so I kept listening. It's a sentimental song about... well, I think the title pretty much sums it up.

I've been reprimanded by a couple of friends to update. So... in my delirium, at 6:00am, having stayed up all night and needing to wake up in 4 hours, here I am, blogging.

I am so weird.

But I digress. My purpose of today's blog is to say that I've been listening to music (specifically, KPop - Korean Pop) nonstop these past few weeks (months? Yes, months). It is very unusual for me to be so obsessed with Korean music - for those that know me, I was the person that would look at you weird for listening/watching KPop music and videos. I think a lot of it was that KPop/KDrama/KMovies were too sentimental, sappy, and overdramatic for me.

And I am NOT a sentimental, sappy, overdramatic person. Okay, well, maybe I am a tad overdramatic AT TIMES, but for the most part, I stayed away from that kind of stuff. I mean, I can't even stand chick flicks. I never wanted to watch love stories. I'll take an action flick any day, thank you very much. I disliked having to go through the emotional roller coaster of someone else's love troubles. Someone once said that he (yes, HE) liked chick flicks because he wanted to "feel something" while watching the movies. I, on the other hand, want to be taken away, not reminded of the real world. I preferred stories that were beyond our reality (LOTR, Harry Potter) or at least beyond MY reality (Ocean's Eleven, Boondock Saints, The Bourne Identity).

So that fact that I started getting into KPop was a huge HUGE surprise to those around me. I'm sure I'll write more about it later, but for now, let's just say, it was just as big a surprise to myself. Even the fast songs are usually about love/relationships/blah blah blah. Yeah, I'm still getting used to it....

I was talking to a friend about the change, about how I've been able to listen to more sentimental music, and she said something very interesting: the pain that I endured last year with my back could have contributed to "softening" my feelings, making me more receptive to sentiments and emotions.

Hmm. What she said has been making me think. And I think I do agree with her. I am not a crying kind of girl. I've always held in my emotions. I could probably count on one hand the situations that have made me cry. But since my injury, I've definitely noticed that I am more emotional.

I don't consider being emotional as being a bad thing anymore. I've been more accepting of it, of myself. I ain't gonna lie - last year was bad. Did a lot of thinking, crying, soul searching, praying. I'm okay with where I am now, I've accepted all that has happened. And if that has led me to becoming more emotional, listening to KPop, and watching KDramas - so be it.

And it doesn't hurt that these KPop boy bands are super cute.

But... that's a different story for another time... Believe me when I say that I can talk for days that on subject.

The sun is rising, the birds are chirping. This tired ol' body is now schlepping herself to bed. I apologize for the bad grammar in today's posting. But, I... kinda don't care at this point. Ha.
